The maiden edition of GNTV’s Kelewele Party held yesterday [21st August 2018] saw hundreds of patrons who thronged at the West Hills mall with Ghanaian celebrities billed for the event.
Christened “Kelewele Party” witnessed stands mounted for exhibitors with their products sold on the night.
Celebrities billed for the event include Eddie Khae, Sefa, Dahlin Gage, Kobla Jnr, Kwesi Slay, Danny Beats, Sista Afia among others fried Kelewele at the event with host Kwesi Dope and Nealyon of GNTV.
Patrons were thrilled with sterling performances by these artistes billed after they fried their Kelewele, played Fifa game.
Speaking in an interview, with Richmond Keelson Manager of GNTV revealed this is our maiden Kelewele Party and the response to the event has yielded the results we wanted and we going to host this event annually to engage with our patrons and subscribers of our channel.
When quizzed next venue for the 2019 Kelewele Party? He said, for now, it’s too early but myself and my team will go back to the drawing board to strategies for next Kelewele party and I want to encourage people to come for the next year’s kelewele party.
Fans who graced the Kelewele party shared their exciting moment with as they described the event as a surprise and congratulated the event organizers for this event.
For their part, artistes billed for the event thanked GNTV for organising such great concept for artistes to thrill patrons as they look forward to perform for the next year Kelewele party.
Watch video of the event below:
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When consumed, the effects of magic mushrooms can vary from person to person. In addition, the strength of magic mushrooms can vary greatly. One mushroom may have different concentrations of the active ingredients compared to another and, consequently, the effects of the magic mushroom can depend on the dose and type of mushroom used. You may find some of the side effects of medical psychedelics are unimportant and manageable. Others, meanwhile, can be a nuisance and make you feel quite uncomfortable during your experience. In this article, we are going to explore how to deal with the most common side effects of medical psychedelics. These side effects can be reduced or managed, and in some cases, they can even be prevented. Many people’s knowledge of psilocybin – the primary psychoactive ingredient found in so-called “magic mushrooms” – is limited to its use as a recreational drug and perhaps its association with 1960s counterculture. But over the past 20 years, a growing body of research has shown that psilocybin has significant potential in the treatment of a number of mental and behavioral health disorders. If you are going to use marijuana while pregnant or breastfeeding: Some people think that using a vape pen or eating marijuana (in cookies or brownies, for example) is safer than smoking marijuana. The evidence does not support this and all marijuana products still contain THC. Medications and More during pregnancy and breastfeeding Beth Conover, APRN, CGC, is a genetic counselor and pediatric nurse practitioner. She established the Nebraska Teratogen Information Service in 1986, also known as MotherToBaby Nebraska. She was also a founding board member of the Organization of Teratology Information Specialists (OTIS). In her clinical practice, Beth sees patients in General Genetics Clinic, Prenatal Clinic, and the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Clinic at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Beth has provided consultation to the FDA and CDC. Two of her recent publications are, “The Art and Science of Teratogen Risk Communication” and “Safety Concerns Regarding Binge Drinking in Pregnancy: A Review.”
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The NBA Finals matchup is officially set with the Milwaukee Bucks to face the Phoenix Suns. After the “Big Three” era defined the NBA in the 2010s, we’ve seen a shift to teams building around star duos in recent years, and Durant and Booker can make a compelling case as the league’s best. The Suns boasted a ridiculous 124.7 offensive rating and 106.4 defensive rating – both in the 98th percentile – with a perfect 8-0 record in the regular season when those two were on the floor together. Additionally, the spread for Game 1 also remained unchanged. Boston is still a 6.5-point favorite in the opening matchup, which will be on its home floor. Porzingis is also a long shot to win Finals MVP, holding the fifth-best odds at +3300. Total odds, unveiled by Shams Charania on Twitter:
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Hairstylist Saivo Ierna says: “Heavier and fuller bangs are one of the best hairstyles for long faces. Having a chunky fringe gives the illusion of a smaller face, so if you want a look that’s going to shorten a longer face, this style is perfect. At the very least, you should schedule salon visits every six weeks for a professional fringe trim. This might sound often but your fringe will actually grow out very fast and I would not suggest attempting to cut your bangs on your own.” jadabeautyThis works great even for short to medium-length hair. A full-on beehive, reminiscent of the 60s, can be a little too elaborate for you to pull off when you are short on time. So, here’s a simple hairstyle for medium hair that requires less than five minutes but still takes inspiration from that gorgeous look. Just part your hair down the middle, tease down some hair at the crown of your head, and tie all your hair in a mid-level ponytail to achieve this simple and chic look.
To begin a haircutting process, clients are shampooed and treated with a relaxing scalp massage. Haircutting is a series of techniques performed on wet hair followed by drying to see how it falls on its own without a brush, wicker, straightener and other hair styling tools. After drying, it is further reviewed and personalized to get a hairstyle tailored to a specific hair type and face shape. How much does a haircut cost? Do prices vary by state? What factors affect price? Has recent inflation impacted the average haircut price? IGORA COLOR10 is the first permanent coloration system to combine all-over color in an accelerated service. Perfect for the busy individual, this time-saving service can enhance your color for more vibrant results or provide natural-looking gray coverage. Achieve a consultation, color application, haircut & design – all within 60 minutes!
Un-ruly was created to celebrate and inspire the versatility and beauty of Black hair and women. Yes! Send me exclusive offers, unique gift ideas, and personalized tips for shopping and selling on Etsy. With protective styling, it is important you pay attention to how long you’re keeping the style in for. Leaving a protective style in for too long can actually damage the hair, defying the purpose of the style in the first place. Protective styles using human hair blends typically last longer, and can be kept in longer, than styles with synthetic hair. Even though each natural should pay attention to their hair and use their own discernment to decide when their style has run its course, protective styles shouldn’t be kept in for more than about three months (on average). Like mentioned before, this time is typically shortened when using synthetic hair.
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The execution is simple and antiquated, but it has some appeal. Mortal Kombat games have stages set in the middle of hurricanes or inside volcanoes. KOF XV hosts its tourney on calm streets, or within other game universes like Metal Slug where bearded POWs cheer you on in the background. It’s strange, but the purposeful limitations carry more personality than stages decked out with hyperactive animations (rest assured, KOF XV has a few of those, too). There’s room to appreciate an animated restaurant display or how the bartender at Pao Pao pays more attention to the fighting than to her customers. The King of Fighters franchise started back in 1994 bringing multiple SNK fighting games together in an all-out team-based brawl. 28 years and 14 sequels later we have the latest and potentially greatest iteration of the beloved franchise. It’s been six long years since the well-liked (though quite ugly) “return to form” that was KOF XIV released on PS4 but not Xbox. The series is back and looks-wise it is a massive improvement over its fellow 3D predecessor. How does the rest of this rather large fighting package hold up? Let’s find out.
There’s not much to say about this fairly inoffensive mobile game. The gameplay is that basic yet addictive loop that you can find in plenty of other games, but it has a nice Pokémon-themed coat of paint. The art style is nice to look at, and all of the Pokémon are so adorable in their barista outfits. Every new Zelda game feels like an event, and yet Nintendo managed to keep a new mainline entry hidden almost all the way up until release. The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom is not on the size and scale as the 3D entries like Breath of the Wild or Tears of the Kingdom — it’s actually the long-awaited continuation of Zelda’s 2D titles. The last game we got in this style was 2019’s Link’s Awakening, which was a remake of the 1993 Game Boy title.
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Эффективная водоподготовка оказывает благоприятное воздействие на окружающую среду, уменьшая выбросы токсичных веществ в атмосферу. Применение новых технологий и устройств позволяет минимизировать потребление воды и её засорение, что соответствует с требованиями устойчивого развития. Производственные компании, обращающие внимание на водоподготовку, не только повышают свою производительность, но и проявляют ответственность к экосистеме. В результате, грамотная организация водоподготовки является важным конкурентным преимуществом и вложением в устойчивое развитие, как для организаций, так и для всего общества.
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