Who Is Gilbert Gottfried?
Gilbert Jeremy Gottfried was an American stand-up comedian and actor.
His persona as a comedian featured an exaggerated shrill voice and emphasis on crude humor.
Gilbert Gottfried was born February 28, 1955, Brooklyn, New York, United States.
Who is Gilbert Gottfried’s wife?
Gilbert Gottfried was married to Dara Kravitz. The two got married in 2007 and had two children together called Lily Aster Gottfried and Max Aaron Gottfried.
Kravitz is an American actress, podcaster, and movie producer. Kravitz was born on February 24, 1970, in Miami, Florida. she is 52 years old. Among other things, she was a record promotion manager in the entertainment industry.
Kravitz’s husband, Gottfried unfortunately passed away on Tuesday, April 12, 2022, aged 67.
What caused Gilbert Gottfried’s death?
Gilbert Gottfried is said to have died on April 12, 2022 at age 67.
Gottfried died of recurrent ventricular tachycardia caused by myotonic dystrophy type 2, his friend and publicist Glenn Schwartz said in a statement.
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